I have some “street cred” when it comes to Mother’s Day: I am a mother, I’m expecting, and I work for an organization called mothers2mothers.
I’m sure some of you have a special mom in your life and have forgotten that Mother’s Day is on Sunday. I’m here to help. The following are some suggestions for last-minute Mother’s Day gifts:
1. An Experiential Gift
I like to spend time with my son doing new things. Since he’s one, everything’s new. But it’s great to do something we both would enjoy and to see his face light up at the discovery of something he’s never seen, heard, or done before. Even a swing is special. So figure out something for your special mom to do with her brood that is fun for both.
2. Something With My Child’s Name On It
Not big. That’s so pre-recession. But I’m enchanted by the thought of having a little token I can look at with my son’s name on it, and adding another when the baby’s born. Could be cheesy if done incorrectly, but it could be a winner.
3. A Thank You
Most mothers like to hear thank you every once in a while and to feel like they are part of a community of mothers. A good way to say thank you this year is to put a note honoring the special mother in your life on the mothers2mothers Tree of Hope: http://www.m2m.org/get-involved/dedicate.html . It only takes a minute, costs nothing, and let’s a mother in your life know you care. Also, the tree represents the love that exists for all mothers, particularly those living with HIV that mothers2mothers serves, so the bigger the Tree the better.
Have a great Mother’s Day.