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Friday, 6 May 2011

Bin Laden wife: I didn't leave hideout for 6 years

Bin Laden wife: I didn't leave hideout for 6 years
UN human rights investigators calls on US to disclose whether there had been any plan to capture terror chief
One of Osama bin Laden's wives has claimed she lived in the al-Qaida chief's final hideout for six years without leaving the upper floors of the house, a Pakistani intelligence official said Friday.

The Yemeni-born woman is one of three wives of bin Laden currently being interrogated in Pakistan.

Authorities are also holding eight or nine children found at the compound after the U.S. raid.

Their accounts will show how bin Laden spent his time and could offer glimpses into the inner workings of al-Qaida.

Speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, the official did not say on Friday whether the Yemeni wife has said that bin Laden was also living there since 2006.